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iso pelo mundo klaston 1124x750
dezembro 15 2022
  • By Taiana Fernandes
  • In Agency

ISO around the world

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) annually conducts a survey of certifications to the standards of its management system. Known as “The ISO Survey”, the survey shows the number of valid certificates to ISO management standards (such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001) reported for each country each year. The latest search results are for 2021, […]

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iso 50001 – sistema de gestao de energia klaston 1125x750
dezembro 8 2022
  • By Taiana Fernandes
  • In Agency

ISO 50001- Energy Management System

A norma ISO 50001 oferece uma ferramenta prática para as organizações implementarem um SGA bem protegido de acordo com sua realidade, orientando a implantação, manutenção, revisão e melhoria do SGA. Devido aos altos custos de energia e um mercado satisfatório, ter uma gestão energeticamente eficiente provou ser uma ótima solução para os negócios. Para estabelecer […]

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iso 37001 sistemas de gestao antissuborno 1118x750
dezembro 1 2022
  • By Taiana Fernandes
  • In Agency

ISO 37001 – Anti-Bribery Management Systems

ISO 37001 is the Anti-Bribery Management System developed by ISO (International Organization for Standardization). Its entire structure was designed for the establishment, implementation, maintenance, critical analysis and improvement of an Anti-Bribery management system. ISO 37001 is only applicable to bribery, but certified organizations can implement controls within their management systems for other forms of corruption […]

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a importancia da certificacao iso klaston 2 1125x750
novembro 17 2022
  • By Taiana Fernandes
  • In Agency

The importance of having an ISO certificate

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) quality certifications are a set of standards recognized around the world, which align quality standards, management, environmental issues, among others. Companies that have these certificates gain prominence in the market, offering a differential to consumers who choose their services. Within the management of a company, the search for quality is […]

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iso 22716 boas praticas de fabricacao klaston
novembro 10 2022
  • By Taiana Fernandes
  • In Agency

The Good Manufacturing Practices Standard (ISO 22716)

ISO 22716: 2007 is the international standard for good cosmetic manufacturing practices. This certification aims to ensure product quality, reduce recalls and ensure consumer well-being. ISO 22716 certification ensures that you implement BPF guidelines to control hazards and risks associated with cosmetic products. This ensures continuous improvement throughout the supply chain. ISO 22716 is useful […]

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iso 14001 gestao ambiental klaston
novembro 3 2022
  • By Taiana Fernandes
  • In Agency

Environmental Management System – ISO 14001

ABNT NBR ISO 14001 specifies the requirements of an Environmental Management System and allows an organization to develop a framework for environmental protection and rapid response to changes in environmental conditions. The standard takes into account environmental aspects influenced by the organization and others that can be controlled by it. And its main objective is […]

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lgpd klaston 1131x750
outubro 27 2022
  • By Taiana Fernandes
  • In Agency

LGPD Lei nº 13.709/2018

Have you ever wondered why at the end of an advertising email there is the phrase “Do you want to unsubscribe from these emails? ” Or because when registering on a site you need to authorize the use of your data? Or yet, why, when we ask to remove our phone number from the companies’ […]

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conama 306 klaston 1127x750
outubro 20 2022
  • By Taiana Fernandes
  • In Agency


To control and prevent risks to the environment, the National Council for the Environment created several rules, including CONAMA Resolution 306. This guideline establishes the minimum requirements for companies with services in facilities such as ports, offshore platforms, refineries, etc. Among the requirements are organizations with waste generation, effluent release, leaks, spills and other processes […]

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seguranca aviaria klaston 1124x750 1
outubro 13 2022
  • By Taiana Fernandes
  • In Agency


ISO 39001 is an international standard, created in 2012 and translated into Portuguese in 2015, which establishes criteria for the implementation of Road Safety Management Systems. Its objective is to reduce and eliminate deaths and accidents with serious injuries in urban, intercity and interstate traffic, both for cargo and passenger transport. The rule is for […]

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certificacao sassmaq para o transporte de produtos perigosos klaston 1
outubro 6 2022
  • By Taiana Fernandes
  • In Agency

Health, Safety, Environment and Quality Assessment System – SASSMAQ

SASSMAQ é um sistema de avaliação de saúde, segurança, meio ambiente e qualidade que possibilita a avaliação de desempenho de empresas que prestam serviços à indústria química. Este método foi criado e exigido pela Associação Brasileira das Indústrias Químicas (ABIQUIM). E a primeira versão desse sistema foi criada em 2001, com foco no transporte rodoviário […]

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