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iso 27001 klaston 1
setembro 29 2022
  • By Taiana Fernandes
  • In Agency

Why implement ISO 27001

ISO 27001 is an international standard for Information Security Management, whose general principle is the adoption of a set of requirements, processes and controls, which aim to adequately manage the Information Security risks present in organizations. The implementation of ISO 27001 seeks to ensure a high commitment to information protection, which is one of the […]

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dispositivos medicos klaston 1333x750 1
setembro 22 2022
  • By Taiana Fernandes
  • In Agency

Quality in the manufacture of medical devices based on ISO 13485

ISO 13485 – Medical Devices adapts the ISO 9001 process model for a regulated medical device manufacturing environment. It was written to support medical device manufacturers in developing quality management systems that establish and maintain the effectiveness of their processes. This ensures consistency in the design, development, production, installation and delivery of safe medical devices […]

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17025 klaston 1125x750 1
setembro 15 2022
  • By Taiana Fernandes
  • In Agency

ISO 17025 and its importance in laboratories

There is no doubt that lab test results have a huge effect on many aspects of our daily lives. In this way, its reliability needs to be total and for that there are certifications that guarantee the results. A laboratory management system based on the ISO 17025 standard is intended to promote confidence in the […]

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seguranca alimentar klaston 1125x750 1
setembro 8 2022
  • By Taiana Fernandes
  • In Agency

The food safety standard

ISO 22000 is the management system that aims to define work standards in order to ensure that food does not cause any harm to the health of the final consumer. Inadequate conditions for handling, packaging and transporting food, cause illness and serious health problems, and may even threaten the lives of consumers. Therefore, it is […]

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setembro 1 2022
  • By Taiana Fernandes
  • In Agency

Environmental management

In summary, ISO 14000 is a series of international standards on environmental management. These standards, which are also known as the Environmental Management System (EMS), contain a series of guidelines on environmental audits, environmental performance assessments and product life cycle analysis. The concern with environmental issues has been gaining an expressive space in the market. […]

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setembro 24 2021
  • By Taiana Fernandes
  • In Agency

Discovery incommode earnestly commanded

Wooded ladies she basket season age her uneasy saw. Discourse unwilling am no described dejection incommode.

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setembro 24 2021
  • By Taiana Fernandes
  • In Agency

Unsatiable entreaties may collecting Power.

Wooded ladies she basket season age her uneasy saw. Discourse unwilling am no described dejection incommode.

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setembro 24 2021
  • By Taiana Fernandes
  • In Agency

Consulted admitting wooded is power acuteness.

Wooded ladies she basket season age her uneasy saw. Discourse unwilling am no described dejection incommode.

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março 24 2021

How to handle management system non-conformities correctly

Dealing with non-conformities of management systems.Cristiano Barros clarifies doubts, tips on how to deal with internal anomalies that occur within companies.Video with duration: 45 min

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março 24 2021

First consulting company to lead an ISO 45001:2018 implementation process in Brazil.

Temos o prazer de informar que foWe are pleased to inform you that we were the first consulting company in Brazil to help the company Rigabras to obtain the long-awaited ISO 45001:2018 through the entire implementation process. The certification audit was carried out by the certification body Bureau Veritas and we had 100% success during […]

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