First consulting company to lead an ISO 45001:2018 implementation process in Brazil.
Temos o prazer de informar que foWe are pleased to inform you that we were the first consulting company in Brazil to help the company Rigabras to obtain the long-awaited ISO 45001:2018 through the entire implementation process. The certification audit was carried out by the certification body Bureau Veritas and we had 100% success during […]
Read MoreCheck-list da norma ISO 9001:2015 gratuito
Check list da norma ISO 9001:2015 GRATUITO, preencha o formulário para fazer o download. O Checklist ISO 9001:2015 gratuito que você irá fazer o download, serve como guia durante o processo de auditoria interna. Este Check-list da norma ISO 9001:2015 não é mandatório ou um requisito normativo, mas irá lhe auxiliar a buscar evidencias para […]
Read MoreKlaston Management’s exclusive Context Analysis and Risk Analysis tool
(Context & Risk Management) Klaston Management in order to help and facilitate the implementation of the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system or the transition of the system from the ISO 9001:2008 version to the ISO version 9001:2015, created a powerful Context Analysis and Risk Analysis tool. According to the new version of ISO 9001:2015, item […]
Klaston Management Audits There are several types of Audit: Internal Audit, External Audit (second and third parties), Combined Audit and last but not least, the Joint Audit. The audit is a tool that assesses the effectiveness of the Management System, in order to identify risks, opportunities and determine compliance with requirements. Auditing is a systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining […]
Read MoreISO 9001:2015 Production and service provision. How to fulfill this item?
For proper production and service provision, you need to have controlled conditions, but these can vary according to the company’s needs. And what documented information is needed to define the characteristics of the product or service, as well as the activities to be carried out and the expected results? Below are some questions organizations need […]
Read MoreStep by step to implement the ISO 9001 standard
Basically, the ISO 9001 implementation process is based on the PDCA. The PDCA comes from the acronyms in English: P = Plan (plan), D = Do (do, carry out), C = Check (check, verify), A = Action (act, carry out). First we develop a Plan, then We carry out what was planned, We check to […]
Read MoreISO 9001 2015 INDICATORS
WHAT ARE ISO 9001:2015 INDICATORS? ISO 9001: 2015 indicators can be compared to a thermometer, where we check and measure the temperature and indicates whether any action or measurement needs to be taken to reduce or increase this temperature, so are the indicators established to measure and monitor some quality parameter . WHAT ARE ISO […]
A certificação ISO 9001 por exemplo, é um método comum de demonstração de conformidade com a norma de SGQ.Os organismos de certificação são, por sua vez, acreditados por organismos internacionais de acreditação reconhecidos com base nas normas publicadas pelo Comité de Avaliação da Conformidade da ISO (CASCO).Isto destina-se, a proporcionar confiança aos clientes e potenciais clientes da Organização que […]
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