The Software-as-a-Service, or SaaS, market will reach US $716.52 billion by 2028, according to a recent report released by Fortune Business Insights. Entitled “SaaS Market, 2022-2028”, the report points out that the software as a service market, which encompasses technologies such as RPA and other cloud services, is expected to grow at a CAGR of 27.5% over the period studied.
According to Gartner’s latest forecast, worldwide end-user spending on public cloud services will grow 20.7% to $591.8 billion in 2023, up from $490.3 billion in 2022. to the 18.8% growth forecast for 2022.
And with that, we present Conformity, which is a SaaS in which your company does not need to install, maintain and update hardware or software. Access is easy and simple: only an internet connection is required.
You can manage all your documents securely and completely online. In addition to managing projects, contracts, tasks, calibration and maintenance management, management of both internal and external training and indicators. Getting fast and hassle-free results.
It can be accessed from any platform with internet access via the website: https://app.conformity.me.
And for those who acquire, Klaston, will carry out training in the use of the System according to the plan, although the system is extremely standardized and easy to understand.
We believe that, by using the software, we will be able to offer companies and individuals greater opportunities to carry out their activities with greater safety, efficiency and quality and, therefore, actively participating in the development and advancement of the world.
Our mission is “to offer the best solution in ISO management tools with the best experience in usability, improving the efficiency and results of the company”.
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