The environmental labeling mechanism is based on information made available on packaging labels so that consumers can choose to purchase products with a lower environmental impact in relation to competing products available on the market. Other expressions are also used to designate information about environmental characteristics printed on the product label, such as: green or ecological seal, environmental declaration, eco-label, eco-label, eco-seal and eco-label.
Environmental labeling is, at the same time, an economic and communication instrument, as it seeks to disseminate information that positively alters production and consumption patterns, raising the awareness of consumers and producers of the need to use natural resources more responsibly. From an economic point of view, it is a demand-driven instrument that appeals to the environmental responsibility of consumers in their choices and seeks to create a market niche for products that are functionally identical to traditional ones, but that have an additional attribute, required by a particular segment of the market. – be green or environmentally friendly
The ABNT Ecological Label is a guarantee that the company’s product has a lower environmental impact than its similar product that does not carry the label. In addition to showing the market that your company is concerned about the next generations and promoting the preservation of the environment.
At first, the Environmental Labels were used so that the consumer could compare the available products, taking into account the production method and the environmental impact caused by each one. However, over time, they also began to be used as a competitive market strategy, a means of obtaining profits and/or even as a way of preserving the environment.
Labels attached to products are those that take into account the effects that the product has on nature and indicate the environmental performance of goods and services. The labels attached to the companies, on the other hand, refer to the analysis of performance regarding the minimization of impacts on the environment, thus using environmental management systems
At the national level, the Ecological Label Colibri (hummingbird) was defined, which was created by ABNT – Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas, the most respected and referenced body in Brazil, with regard to the standardization of rules for products and services.