ABNT NBR ISO 14001 specifies the requirements of an Environmental Management System and allows an organization to develop a framework for environmental protection and rapid response to changes in environmental conditions. The standard takes into account environmental aspects influenced by the organization and others that can be controlled by it.
And its main objective is to specify the requirements for the implementation of an environmental management system enabling all organizations, regardless of their size, to develop sustainable practices in their business: products and services.
This standard is based on the PDCA cycle of the English “plan-do-check-act” – plan, do, check and act – and uses familiar management terminology and language, presenting a series of benefits for the organization.
ISO has several standards and, among them, there is the 14000 series. This series refers to norms of environmental standards in order to address topics such as:
• environmental management systems;
• environmental labeling;
• environmental audits;
• life cycle analysis;
• environmental communication;
• environmental performance;
• environmental aspects;
• terminology
ISO 14001 also aims to serve industries of any segment and size.
The following standards are part of this series: ISO 14001, 14004, 14010, 14020, 14031, 14040 and 14064.
What are the benefits of ISO 14001?
• Improves environmental management, reducing the amount of waste and energy use
• Improves efficiency, reducing your company’s running costs
• Demonstrates compliance, expanding your business opportunities
• Fulfills legal obligations, gaining greater stakeholder participation and customer trust
• Safely prepares for a changing business scenario
And to comply with ISO 14001, organizations need to identify which legislation is applicable in this scope to their business and constantly monitor compliance with legal requirements.
This monitoring must be documented in order to demonstrate compliance with the provisions of ISO 14001.
Finally, civil society has prioritized companies concerned with environmental issues. Companies that incur systematic violations of the environment have a damaged image with the public, which can result in image problems and consequent decrease in sales.