ISO (International Organization for Standardization) quality certifications are a set of standards recognized around the world, which align quality standards, management, environmental issues, among others. Companies that have these certificates gain prominence in the market, offering a differential to consumers who choose their services.
Within the management of a company, the search for quality is an essential part of ensuring that the products and services offered are the best possible, increasing customer satisfaction and promoting the sustainable success of the organization.
Structuring the organization’s processes based on ISO quality certifications is the best way to succeed in achieving these excellent results. When your company is ISO certified, it meets a quality standard that is accepted and valued in 164 countries.
Defining which ISO certifications to bet on depends a lot on the segment in which you operate. In addition, corporate goals influence this decision. Therefore, it is necessary to think about what you want to achieve with the document.
In any case, the most well-known, comprehensive and attracting attention are ISO 9000 (quality), ISO 14000 (environment) and ISO 5000 (electricity consumption).
ISO certifications are granted through processes with different stages to ensure the veracity of information. See what the phases are:
• Diagnosis: maps the company’s current scenario and compares it with the rules of the desired standard;
• Planning: creates a schedule of actions necessary for the implementation of the system that will be in accordance with the rules;
• Implementation: putting the measures defined in the previous phase into practice;
• Audits: companies that want the certificate must choose an auditing company certified by ISO and ABNT. This certifying body, after detailed assessments, will or will not issue the document.
But there are still internal gains: generally, by adapting to the ISO model, a company increases its productivity, improving its processes and public satisfaction.