The ABNT NBR 15540 Standard implies the adoption of requirements to make criminal actions difficult. Its certification aims to demonstrate the solidity of the company’s safety management structure.
Current security management practices do not provide sufficient assurance that effective security controls are maintained to protect the interest of the customer as well as the general public. Using this International Standard, the organization establishes, documents, implements and maintains a graphics technology security system. This management system is regularly critically analyzed to continuously improve its effectiveness.
It is known that customer requirements sometimes exceed the requirements of this International Standard, so the graphics technology security system should also meet customer requirements that, in some cases, are beyond the requirements of this International Standard.
The standard aims to demonstrate the degree of soundness of the company’s safety management structure. This certification is essential for printers that manufacture or sell security supplies, as it implies the adoption of requirements to make criminal actions more difficult.
Security printers have different needs, products, processes, organizational structures, limitations and sizes, and the adoption of a graphic technology security system can become part of the strategic decisions of these organizations.
For the implementation of the graphic technology security system, it is a basic condition that an organizational risk assessment is carried out in order to identify security threats and, subsequently, that all elements or situations that may compromise the graphic technology security management system are deleted.
The technology of crime advances and the graphic sector of security printing must be attentive and prepared to face the threats arising from this technological evolution. Developing a Safety form does not prevent any risk arising from the production process from compromising the product’s fidelity. This Standard was developed precisely with the aim of bearing in mind that all stages of the production chain are involved and are responsible for mitigating risks to the image of the client or the organization. The requirements established in this Standard were focused on ensuring the security of graphic technology with effective management.
The graphics technology security management system complies with applicable laws and regulations. The requirements specified in this International Standard are complementary to requirements for an organization’s products and processes and allow for additional customer specific requirements.
This standard is intended to be implemented in security printers and providers in this chain. It contains requirements that, when implemented by a security print shop or supply chain organization, can be objectively audited.