One of the main concerns of companies is with their internal processes. They are important for businesses that want to keep corporate social responsibilities in their guidelines.
The Internal Audit is a set of procedures whose purpose is to examine and adapt the effectiveness of the Controls, and also a review of the companies’ operations, to verify that it complies with the relevant standards. Due to technological advancement and competitiveness in the market, it is extremely important that companies seek to improve their tools to assist in Internal Controls.
In addition, the internal audit also intends to help managers in the proper development of their attributions through analyzes and recommendations on the evaluated activities.
To understand the context of the auditee, the audit program should consider:
• organizational objectives;
• Relevant external and internal issues of the auditee;
• needs and expectations of relevant stakeholders;
• information security and confidentiality requirements;
And that the audit program includes information and identifies resources to enable audits to be conducted effectively and efficiently within specified timeframes, such as:
• audit objectives for the audit program;
• risks and opportunities associated with the audit program and actions to address them;
• scope (extent, boundaries, locations) of each audit in the audit program;
• scheduling (number / duration / frequency) of audits;
• types of audit, such as internal or external;
• audit criteria;
• audit methods to be employed;
• criteria for selecting audit team members;
• relevant documented information.
The person managing the audit program should ensure that the integrity of the audit is maintained and that undue influence is not exerted on the audit. And in the event of any changes to the audit objectives, scope or criteria, the audit program is modified, if necessary, and communicated to interested parties for approval, if appropriate.
Regardless of the area of activity and the size of the company, investing in internal auditing can ensure that business processes are carried out correctly by employees.
The audit is completed when all planned audit activities have been carried out or otherwise agreed with the audit client (for example, there may be an unexpected situation that prevents the audit from being completed in accordance with the audit plan ).
In summary, the audit is a necessary, healthy process capable of guiding the company towards growth and market strengthening.
Its analytical function generates strategic information, fundamental to building a stronger business and one that remains in compliance with corporate social responsibilities, which are very important.
Investing in internal auditing is a good way to review processes, mitigate risks and identify points that need improvement. In addition to providing several benefits, this preventive work can avoid many complications.