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agenda 2030 emergencia climatica klaston
dezembro 21 2023

Agenda 2030: the last chance to save the planet

Temperatures breaking records this past month, unprecedented fires, gray clouds of smoke recording terrible air quality in Manaus. This is irrefutable evidence that something needs to be done and urgently. Because we are living in a moment of Climate Emergency. But what is the much-publicized climate emergency? The climate emergency refers to the recognition that […]

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desafios certificacao iso klaston
dezembro 7 2023

How to overcome the challenges of ISO certification

ISO certification is a process that can be challenging, but also very rewarding. Companies that obtain ISO certification demonstrate that they comply with international standards of quality, safety and efficiency. This can lead to a range of benefits, including: However, ISO certification can also require a significant investment of time, effort and resources. It is […]

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ods e esg klaston 1125x750
novembro 23 2023

ESG and SDG: Driving a Sustainable Future

The world faces complex and interconnected challenges that demand collective actions and innovative strategies. In this context, two acronyms have gained prominence: ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) and ODS (Sustainable Development Goals). They represent crucial approaches to tackling environmental, social and economic issues, promoting a more sustainable and inclusive future. ESG refers to criteria by […]

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acidente de transito klaston 1125x750
novembro 14 2023

Beyond the Numbers: Understanding the Causes and Solutions for Traffic Accidents

Traffic accidents represent a global concern due to their devastating impact on society. Millions of lives are lost annually, and countless families suffer the consequences. To tackle this problem, it is crucial to understand its causes, implement preventative measures and promote awareness. Causes of Traffic Accidents: In 2010, the United Nations (UN) launched the 1st […]

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a importancia de auditorias internas 1124x750
outubro 12 2023

The importance of doing audits!

Performing ISO audits is an important practice for organizations that seek to achieve and maintain standards of quality, efficiency and compliance with international standards established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). There are several reasons why ISO audits are essential: In short, ISO audits are a fundamental process to ensure that an organization is […]

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a importancia da certificacao iso klaston 1124x750
setembro 28 2023

The importance of ISO certification

The ISO certification (International Organization for Standardization) is an international recognition that attests that an organization has adopted and implemented standards of quality, environmental management, occupational health and safety, information security, among others. Obtaining ISO certification is an important indicator of compliance and competence for companies and organizations across a range of industries. Here are […]

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desafios da iso 9001 klaston 1124x750
setembro 14 2023

What are the main challenges faced by companies in implementing ISO 9001 and how to overcome them effectively?

The implementation of ISO 9001 can present several challenges for companies. Some of the common challenges include: To overcome these challenges, it is essential that top management is committed, that there is a systematic approach to implementation, that adequate resources are allocated, and that communication and training are effective. It is also important to seek […]

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iso 22716 boas praticas cosmeticos klaston 1125x750
agosto 31 2023

ISO 22716 – Good Manufacturing Practices for Cosmetics

ISO 22716:2007 is the international standard for good manufacturing practices for cosmetics. This certification aims to ensure product quality, reduce recalls and ensure consumer well-being. ISO 22716 certification ensures that you implement GMP guidelines to control hazards and risks associated with cosmetic products. This ensures continual improvement throughout the supply chain. ISO 22716 is useful […]

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rdc 44 klaston 1125x750
agosto 17 2023

RDC 44

This Resolution establishes the minimum criteria and conditions for compliance with Good Pharmaceutical Practices for the sanitary control of the functioning, dispensing and commercialization of products and the provision of pharmaceutical services in pharmacies and drugstores. For the purposes of this Resolution, Good Pharmaceutical Practices are understood to be the set of techniques and measures […]

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certificacao sassmaq para o transporte de produtos perigosos klaston
agosto 3 2023

SASSMAQ: Ensuring safety and quality in the transport of chemical products!

Have you heard about SASSMAQ? It is an acronym that represents the Health, Safety, Environment and Quality Assessment System, an important initiative for the chemical transport sector. SASSMAQ is a program that aims to ensure safety and quality during the transport of these products. It establishes strict standards and specific requirements that companies must follow […]

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